parts of myself
"parts of myself" series, digital photo manipulations, dimensions variable.

parts of myself

Some parts of myself are equipped for different aspects of living. Some parts feel wholly ill equipped for the tasks they find themselves, or demand themselves, responsible. Moving slow enough to see and nurture and encourage a gathering of these parts is the work.

Come, see the Tree where you may nest safely — I am here at its base tending the earth beneath, and myself in turn, while you rest gently in the canopy of our making.

For the longest time my parts have been hesitant of this offer for gathering, for togetherness. Internal and external. Seeing just me at the base of the tree was intimidating. Dysregulating. Now, with the metaphor and reality, both, of increased relating on the knoll upon which Tree stands, from which Tree sprouts, in which Tree roots, their fear feels palpably lessened. Relating amongst healthy adult parts (nurturing parts and protective parts and spiritually connected parts), relating healthfully with adult others, too, an example for sweet feared ones. A gesture of opening, holding.

Come, see the tree where you may nest safely — I am here at its base tending the earth beneath, and myself, ourselves, in turn, while you rest gently in the canopy of our making.

Rest gently in the canopy of our making, sweet ones. Now is as safe as it will be and a nest of just your size and need is here, on offer. Come, sweet ones, there is holding ahead. All the holding you need, all the holding you’ll ever need, all the holding you’ve ever needed. Right here, now. Sweet
ones, come, as you wish, come.