edge of the chasm

Our adaptive selves — amazingly, brilliantly, vibrantly responsive selves — have gotten us this far into the world. We are here, alive, now. Our parts and patternings led right up to this very moment.

Paths walked repeatedly wear down, entrench, become safe. Seeing when that safety is no longer afforded is incredibly hard and is the work of maturity. Soul-making as our task.

Only you can orchestrate shift and change internal. You need not do that work alone. You cannot do that work alone. You must engage in order to fledge. Safety beyond the nest is real and ongoing. Step outside into the chasm. You may be amazed at your ability to catch yourself in new water.

We are all chiefly motivated by life. The impulse to stay alive is fundamental and you are surrounded by it. You are it. Ways of staying alive must evolve and mature — such is nature. We are all chiefly motivated by life.

details of "edge of the cavern"